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Christian Martinez

What do you think is the hardest part about being a college student in this day and age?

In our generation, the hardest part about being a college student comes down to the increased competition since the playing field has been leveled and the expectations that come from your peers, family and friends. Mainly due to technology, everyone in our generation can access the same resources like textbooks, videos, online notes, and tutors. Even though many of us struggle with the financial means of obtaining these resources, there’s still a lot of free resources available that are equally as good. Because the playing field is so leveled, it's really hard to stand out from your peers whether its applying for universities, grad schools, or scholarships, meaning there’s a higher chance of being disappointed and falling short of your goals. It's hard to stay motivated and disciplined when you keep getting knocked down and you see a lot of your peers doing “better” than you.


What are some things you think help with our mindset with all the challenges we experience? One of the biggest things is the people you surround yourself with, the support group you have. They can make or break you. They’re the people you spend the most time with at school whether its hanging out or studying. They’re almost like a second family so their influence on you and your mindset and decisions is pretty big. The way we set our goals is really important too. A lot of us have big goals which is fine, but having smaller goals throughout that process of getting to that big goal like becoming a doctor, PA, or engineer helps a lot with your mindset and mentality.


What are some things you do when it gets hard? I usually just go for a swim since it helps take my mind off of school. I try to go at least once or twice a week, but this quarter has been really busy so I haven’t been able to go as much.


Fun Fact about yourself? I can NEVER get full. No matter how much I eat, I’m always still hungry which is why I always buy a lot of food during our fundraisers!

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